of prayer
If you’ve ever felt guilty about the amount of time you don’t spend praying, you’re far from alone.
Often this stems from simply a lack of example. One way to become more familiar with how to pray, is to experience what it’s like to be prayed for.
In our 50 years of experience, we have found that when we pray with and for others, they feel loved and welcomed as they are; they feel cared for at emotional and spiritual levels. Sometimes there is an immediate answer to prayer, in a healing or they sense divine Presence which gives them peace.
They have hope,
feel valued,
and listened to.
Praying allows us entrance into another’s life at the personal level: understanding their struggles, needs, pain, hurts, frustrations, and practical difficulties. It allows identity with another and the opportunity to love and care for them.
Prayer gives us an opportunity to believe for others even if they can’t believe for themselves.
Prayer provides us with an opportunity to see God work in answer to our prayers, which strengthens our faith. Praying for others creates empathy and compassion. When we know of a need and can meet it in some way, it gives us great joy.
It provides an avenue to get out of our self-centeredness and become aware of others and what they’re going through, which creates thankfulness in us for God’s blessings on our lives.
One always feels good by being a part of God’s redemptive blessing to others.
We go away feeling refreshed ourselves because we have seen God at work.
We want others to experience the excitement and dynamic of prayer, to experience what listening to the Holy Spirit in prayer does to our prayer life. We want the prayer level of the Church to rise to its God-purposed state of communion, cooperation and identification with the Godhead. We want others to experience change and transformation in their lives and circumstances. We want James 5:16 to be the norm for believers:
“The energized prayer of a righteous man is of great force.”
James 5:16b
Translation by Dr. J. Rendel Harris
For the kingdom of heaven to come to earth in all its dimension and power, it requires effective prayer on the part of God’s people.
There’s prayer and then there’s effective prayer;
It’s the latter we are seeking to be experienced by believers.